Top Selling Energy Shot Brands 2011-2012

Top Selling Energy Shot Brands 2011-2012

Which Energy Shot is the best-seller? Over one billion dollars was spent in 2012 for Energy Shots. According to Energy Fiend 5 Hour Energy is still the top seller, adding 10 million dollars in sales in 2012.1

Source: Energy Fiend

5 Hour Energy

5hourOrigBerryBottle5 Hour Energy had 92% of the Energy Shot Market in 2011, and gained market share to over 94% in 2012.The nearest competitor, 6 Hour Power, has less than 4% of the Energy Shot Market. The 2 oz. shot was introduced in 2004, and complies with the provisions of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act as regulated by the FDA and is vegetarian and certified Kosher, according to the company’s website. The product contains no sugar or herbal stimulants.

6 Hour Power 6hour

Ingredients include Taurine, Malic Acid, Caffeine( 80 to 100 mg), Glucoronolactone, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine. There is an Enzyme Blend – 1mg  including  AmylaseProteaseLipaseCellulase, and Lactase.
The 2 oz. shot comes in Lemon Lime, Sweet Very Berry, Refreshing Orange and coming soon Fruity Punch and Juicy Grape. All flavors are sugar free.


Worx® from Worx Energy has zero sugar and zero calories, with B Vitamins and about 200 mg of caffeine. For 2013 Worx has climbed into the #3 spot in sales.2

Energy Shot Vending

The Boost Energy Shot Station


Boost Energy Shot Station

Look for 5 Hour energy and other popular Energy Shots at the The Boost Energy Shot Station from It vends up to 4 different brands and holds up to 160 individual Energy Shot bottles. 

Charitable Locations Program
What makes The Boost Energy Station particularly unique is the Charitable Locations Program, which involves supporting local charities by donating a portion of proceeds from each machine directly to a local chapter of charities such as the Wounded Warrior Project, Susan G. Komen Foundation, Keep A Breast Foundation, Make A Wish Foundation, United Way, Feeding America, American National Red Cross and many more.


Food and Recipes for Energy

Food and Recipes for Energy

organic-fruit-veg-iconAccording to Dr. James Rouse at Gaiam Life you can boost your energy levels by making changes to the foods you eat. Dr. Rouse recommends eating the right portions, the right mix of nutrients and strategic timing of meals and snacks.  This provides more all-day energy and avoids the physical and mental roller coaster1

The U.K. site GoodToKnowRecipes says:2food

1. Eat beans and bread
Slow-releasing carbohydrates such as chickpeas, kidney beans, baked beans, nuts and grainy bread will keep your energy levels more stable.

2. Have caffeine with lunch
A cup of coffee in the middle of the day can help offset the natural dip in energy levels you get in the afternoon.

3. Increase your iron levels
Tiredness can often indicate iron deficiency anaemia. A mild iron deficiency is rectified by eating more iron-rich foods such as red meat, liver, pulses and green vegetables

4. Eat enough calories
If you’re dieting, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods and don’t eat less than 1,400 calories day.

5. Try more seeds
Seeds are great energizers.

6. Eat more pasta
The complex carbohydrates in pasta provide slow-release energy that keeps your blood sugar levels on an even keel. 

7. Get more zinc
If you’re really flagging and lethargic you may be short of zinc. Find it in food such as shellfish, red meat and poultry. 

8. Eat a proper breakfast
Never skip breakfast.

Don’t forget: Drink at least eight cups of water every single day, otherwise you’ll become dehydrated, and you’ll ruin all your other good work.

Protein and Vegetable Juice Supplements

Elite Liquid Protein


Dymatize Nutrition Elite Liquid Protein® has 45 grams of protein, 0 carbs, 0 fat, and 0 sugar per 3 oz. serving.

V8 Energy shotV8® Energy Shots

V8 Energy Shots contain 100 percent juice and offer a unique blend of nine vegetable and fruit juices from concentrates. Each shot provides one combined serving of vegetables and fruit.

Energy Shot Vending

The Boost Energy Shot Station


Boost Energy Shot Station

Look for the Boost Energy Shot Station from  to find 4 different energy shots, including V6 and V8 Energy, 5 Hour Energy, and Dymatize Liquid Protein.




Natural Energy Enhancing Foods

Natural Energy Enhancing Foods

organic-fruit-veg-icon food food3

For Athletes and people who have a busy schedule, finding food that enhances energy is important.

Complex Carbohydrates and Protein

Complex Carbohydrates and protein are recommended by Christine Gerbstadt, MD, MPH, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association and a weight control researcher at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Quoted in WebMD, Dr.Gerbstadt says: “Try a whole-grain cracker with low-fat cheese,” Gerbstadt says. “Or a peanut butter sandwich on whole-wheat bread.” The secret? “That combination of protein and a complex carbohydrate (digested more slowly than simple carbs) increases your blood glucose in a sustained way,” she says. “It boosts energy longer than if you eat gumdrops, for instance.”1

Eat a High-carb, High-fiber Breakfast

For short-term and long-term energy boosts, make a habit of eating a high-fiber, carbohydrate-rich breakfast, says Jaimie Davis, PhD, RD, research associate at the Institute for Prevention Research at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Quoted on the WebMd website, Davis points to a study that compared the effects of two carbohydrate-rich breakfasts — one high-fiber, one low-fiber — with two high-fat breakfasts. The high-fiber, high-carb meal was associated with the highest level of alertness between breakfast and lunch. The study was published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

To boost the fiber and carbs in your first meal of the day, select such foods as whole-wheat toast or high-fiber cereal. A half cup of high-fiber cereal can contain as much as 14 grams of fiber, and some high-fiber breads have 6 grams per slice. Aim for 25 to 30 grams of total fiber daily, Davis says, noting that most Americans get perhaps 10 to 15 grams.2

Vitamin Supplements


E6 Energy Shot Ingredients

According to E6 Energy:
“Each 2 oz. bottle or two strip serving is packed with essential B-vitamins, nutrients, found in healthy natural fruits, meats and vegetables…Compared to the leading energy shot brands, E6 contains fewer calories, less sodium, and more caffeine in our Energy Blend than even the leading “Extra Strength” brand.”3

V8 Energy shotV8® Energy Shots

V8 Energy Shots contain 100 percent juice and offer a unique blend of nine vegetable and fruit juices from concentrates. Each shot provides one combined serving of vegetables and fruit.

Energy Shot Vending

The Boost Energy Shot Station


Boost Energy Shot Station

Look for the Boost Energy Shot Station from  to find 4 different energy shots, including V6 and V8 Energy, 5 Hour Energy, and Dymatize Liquid Protein.


